Yes, implied volatility can affect stock price patterns. Implied volatility is a measure of the market's expectations regarding the future price volatility of a stock or other financial instrument. It is derived from the prices of options on the underlying asset. Still it is also true that consistent price patterns exist irrespective of implied volatility levels.
Here's how implied volatility can impact stock price patterns:
1. Option Premiums: Implied volatility is a key component in determining the prices of options. When implied volatility increases, option premiums tend to rise as well. This can lead to higher demand for options, which may impact stock prices. For example, if investors anticipate a significant price movement in a stock due to increased volatility, they may buy options to profit from those price swings. This increased demand for options can influence the stock's overall trading activity and potentially affect its price pattern.
2. Expectations of Future Volatility: Implied volatility reflects market participants' expectations about future price volatility. When implied volatility is high, it suggests that traders anticipate larger price swings in the underlying stock. As a result, market participants may adjust their trading strategies or positions accordingly, leading to changes in stock price patterns. For instance, higher implied volatility might lead to more cautious trading and increased price volatility as investors become uncertain about the stock's direction.
3. Option Strategies and Hedging: Implied volatility plays a significant role in option trading strategies and hedging activities. Traders and market makers often adjust their options positions based on changes in implied volatility. For example, if implied volatility rises, options market makers might increase their hedge positions, which involves buying or selling the underlying stock. These hedging activities can impact the stock's supply and demand dynamics, potentially influencing its price behavior.

Factoring out the effects of volatility on correlation data
Since price movement is effected by volatility in the markets and volatility levels are constantly changing, if we want to understand the consistency of a price condition's behavior we have to make volatility a consistent variable. This is one key reason why QuantDirection uses expected moves of option traders as the framework to measure price moves. QuantDirection also tracks the implied volatility levels when that condition occurs so that data sets can be filtered by implied volatility levels. When we examine price conditions by implied volatility level we can see in Fig 1 above two important characteristics: (1) Price condition behavior is consistent (within 5% correlation) across the full range of IV levels; (2) Price condition behavior correlations are not directly tied to implied volatility levels. That is to say that higher implied volatility levels can actually behave more consistently than lower implied volatility levels. This forms the basis for our conclusion that consistent price patterns exist irrespective of implied volatility levels.
It's important to note that while implied volatility can influence stock price patterns, it is not the sole determinant. Other factors, such as market sentiment, economic indicators, company-specific news, and broader market conditions, also play crucial roles in shaping stock price movements.